Friday, January 16, 2009

fRyeday Recap for January16th

TGIF—Thank God It's fRyeday! Some weekly wrap-up to take you into the weekend and prepare for next week.

(1) The Purgatory Business Bowling League starts up again next Thursday, and with Chris' absence, we have a spot open on the team. If you have experience "chucking the ball," see Gretchen about an audition.

(2) A reminder to please shake off the snow from your boots and coats before coming into the office. The carpeting is only ten years old and still has a lot of good years ahead of it if we act like adults.

(3) I walked into the file room today and I must say, whoever has taken over these duties is a genius. Spotless and orderly. I'll bet I could find the very first malpractice claim brought against Roger within thirty seconds. (Just kidding, Roger.) Gretchen, find out who the new person is and give him that Zoom music player I got at that convention last year.

(4) Received a letter from Chris Panini this week. He hopes you're all well and wants you to know that he's not backing down and doesn't expect any of you to, either. He also asked that Vic "stare at the bear until it blinks" (he says that Vic will know what that means).

(5) Some investors from New York City are coming to Purgatory next week to investigate the idea for a "Mad Anthony" Wayne Theme Park. I think it would be a good idea for Angie to attend some meetings and use her "natural style" to get Panini & Rye in on the ground level. It could be a big big boost for the Purgatory economy.

(6) Finally, I'll be addressing the Golem County Police Association's monthly meeting next week. I hope to bring back some good "tidbits" about the state of justice in our "neck of the woods."

1 comment:

  1. that joke isn't funny, Perry.

    if you like files so much maybe you'd like to see my father's files.


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