Friday, January 16, 2009


i've been in the office every day for a week. i think that deserves recognition. maybe some chocolate or something. Angie, get on this.

i just heard that "journalist" Cash Logan has landed a spot on channel 3 for his "expose" series on Panini & Rye. apparently lies pay. congratulations, you rotten bastard.

yesterday due to payroll work i was forced to endure a mcdonalds lunch (no, i am not lovin it) the first time i've had fast food in a very long time. naturally it ripped through my insides. on my mad rush to the executive restroom (which is set aside for my colleagues and Vic so please don't use it people or i'll have to bring back the locked door policy), knowing i would have an extended stay, i grabbed a book from Vic's desk, the virtue of selfishness by ann rand. i didn't know she wrote books. i thought she was just an advuice columnist. i guess Vic's obsession makes more sense now, i thought he was just a little funny or something. anyway i got about halfway through it and it's not so bad but she's kinda uptight. i guess that's why she gave out advice so much.

also yesterday i discovered that a "Dom Bilbo" (short for dominic?) is on the payroll,. who is this? Gretchen didn't know either. Vic, i'm putting you on the case.

boy george has been jailed. to celebrate/mourn, my set tomorrow will feature some culture club remixes by yours truly including some mashes that are dope and stupid fresh.

i'm really worn out from this week. it's been tough. i had to wear a tie on wednesday. that was really rough.

finally, i found a letter on my desk. looks like i've got a secret admirer!

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